Shimano PD-M424 £29.99
Weight: 522g / Replacement cleats: £9.95
Shimano’s pop-up caged SPD pedals have been a hit since the first red M636 downhill pedal appeared nearly 10 years ago. The nose-up design of the guts means it is always ready for entry, and simply stamping down in roughly the right position gets you into the pedal.
Sitting at the base of Shimano’s caged SPD range, sadly the 424 does not share the retention system with the M520 seen on page 64. An older jaw design is used that can have a tendency to snag in dirty terrain, especially at higher tension. Said gloop also blocks up the pedal’s internals as clearance is the worst on test.
The design offers good shoe support, and in the dry entry is fast, but if you want a reliable all-weather performer it’s well worth spending the extra on either the Time
ATAC Zs or Shimano’s higher grade M545 or M647. The release action is hugely improved and the cages are far tougher.