Rotorua April overseas video

James Madelin, the guy who wrote the overseas feature in our April issue has been in touch with some video footage. Check it out!


A day of Bike Trail Maintenance, Trail Building, Food and Social Shenannigans.

Pyrenean Rock ‘n’ Roll

Rock 'n' Roll adventures are now offering trips to the Pyrenees — read on for all the details...

Two new sites from CTC

If there's a blocked trail in your area, go to this new CTC site to get it sorted.

Entrepreneurs wanted in Scotland

Forestry Commission Scotland is on the lookout for business people who would like to run an uplift service at Innerleithen.

Ride the World

Ride the World offer a selection of fantastic cycling holidays around the globe at unbeatable prices. Mountain bike or Road, North hemisphere or South, we guarantee you a holiday of…

Knolly 2007

Knolly have a new base and a new pricing structure in the UK, saving potential buyers a stack of cash. Read on for more

Intense 2007

Intense have some sweet new rides for 2007, there's more pics in the March issue of MBR, on sale 07/02/2007

2006 IMBA UK Trail Survey

Many thanks to the 340 MBR readers and IMBA members who filed returns. The results can be found at

2006 IMBA UK Trail Survey

Many thanks to the 340 MBR readers and IMBA members who filed returns. The results can be found at

2006 IMBA UK Trail Survey

Many thanks to the 340 MBR readers and IMBA members who filed returns. The results can be found at

2006 IMBA UK Trail Survey

Many thanks to the 340 MBR readers and IMBA members who filed returns. The results can be found at

How to…   Rail berms like a pro

With the right technique, berms can transform the humble corner into a high–speed Cresta Run. Shandro shows you how in the March issue of MBR, on sale 07/02/2007