The whole country's blanketed in the white stuff - so are you riding or hiding? Here at mbr we've bunked off work to go and ride in the snow.

British Downhill Series launched

The British Downhill Series – the new name for the NPS from 2010 – gets underway on April 10 this year, at Rheola in South Wales.…

adidas TERREX Adventure Race

Open Adventure and Adidas are launching a four-day non-stop expedition race across Cumbria this year, covering more than 400km.

Red Bull Illume photo comp teaster

The Red Bull Illume 2010 photo competition is open for entries, so if you’ve got talent as a photographer get involved. Have a look at the teaster too, it’s lacking…

Dalby World Cup tickets go on sale

Tickets have been released via Ticketmaster for the opening round of the 2010 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup. The first round of the cross country competition will be held in…

Evans launches £10,000 prize draw

online bike shop Evans Cycles is giving cyclists something to get excited about this winter, with a huge prize draw for a shed full of bikes and cycling gear worth…

New Welsh downhill series

Borderline Events and the WDMBA are proud to announce The Juice Lubes / O’Neal Welsh Downhill Series.