A new Trans Provence-style enduro race will take place in South Wales next summer, on technically demanding, mountain trails, all set to breathtaking scenery.

Watch as Chris Akrigg once more boards his Cyclocross bike in the woods, handling roots, rocks and rivers in that classic Akrigg way, all whilst on skinny tyres

‘Ard Rock Enduro entries will go on sale early on Friday, December 12 with Yorkshire’s big-mountain enduro taking place this August

January 2015 MBR is crammed full of exciting places to ride, new bikes on test, tyres, forks and product on test and loads of inspiring ideas to get you riding

Good friends make great competitors on the race scene, according to movie-maker and enduro racer Cat Topham, who made this little edit to prove it.

This is Dan Atherton’s helmet cam footage from the Red Bull Hardline, an invite-only event on one of the most difficult downhill mountain bike runs ever created.

Technology will get you out of a lot of situations, but it’s no substitute for basic skills. Here's the top five skills for navigation by bike.