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moon x power 2500

The Moon X Power 2500 has been out a couple of seasons now, but its sheer lumen power means it’s not been left behind in the lighting arms race.

Here are our top picked Instabangers from the last week in the world of mountain biking. Bumper edition with a total of 22 great images.

canyon kids bikes

Mail order bike brand Canyon has just revealed a range of kids' mountain bikes. Three models in total for children aged 3 and up.

No Downhill racer has ever won every round of World Cup Series before. Not Anne-Caroline Chausson, not Nico Vouilloz, not John Tomac, not Aaron Gwin. Only Rachel Atherton has done…

seasucker talon

The extremely effective sucker pads stuck like glue. Without the constraints of nuts, bolts, or straps the SeaSucker Talon rack is a lot more versatile.

pendle fork mount

This British-made Pendle Fork Mount Roof Rack fastens the dropouts securely using the fork’s thru-axle, coupled with a simple toe strap at the rear wheel.

Yes, there are less expensive tow bar racks than the Thule Velocompact 927, but you’ll only buy a rack like this once, so it’s worth the investment.