Vaude Tremalzo

The Vaude Tremalzo rain Jacket II provides a practical, lighter weight option. Packable yet still durable enough to take on the mountains.

bell 4forty

With fantastic quality, finish and features, the Bell 4Forty ticks all the boxes. Performs exactly as you’d want from an all-day trail helmet.

specialized chisel expert

Specialized Chisel Expert is a fun mix of privateer race bike for those that can’t justify an Epic and a trail bike capable of long distance adventuring.

Scott Spark RC 900 Team

It doesn’t take long to realise that the Scott Spark RC 900 Team is one of the stand out XC race bikes. Trail bike geometry and efficient suspension.

Topeak Ratchet Rocket Lite NTX

This top-end Topeak Ratchet Rocket Lite NTX model here also offers miniature ‘Nano TorqBits’ in 4, 5 and 6Nm increments to accurately tighten on the move.

Grips have been bulking up recently. Gone are the super-skinny lock-ons of the early Noughties that pounded your palm to raw meat.