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The latest issue of MBR is out now, packed full of inspiring ideas and route maps to help you find new places to get out and ride.
What about the magazine itself? Here’s a taste of what you’ll find inside…
Hardtail of the Year: <Jeremy Clarkson voice> Our biggest ever test and the biggest hardtail test… in the world <Jeremy Clarkson voice>. We take 22 bikes at four price points between £500 – £1000 and pit them head to head. If you want a bike that will get you out onto the trails and keep you there, look no further than this
Mountain Bike Buyer’s Guide: The definitive guide to (almost) every mountain bike money can buy. We list over 1,500 bikes and will let you know what to buy, where to buy it and how to find the best bike for you.
Trail Centre Focus: Continuing our mission to bring you the best in manmade single track, we head to Whinlatter in the north Lakes that claims to put the mountain back in mountain biking. Is it just a wet weather alternative to the fells or can it provide thrills in its own right?
Skills with Brendan Fairclough: the World Cup DH racer and all-round showman reveals the insider pro skills that will have you riding faster and crashing less. This month, weighting and unweighting.