The 90ft gaps should be a doddle on the moto, but the tech sections... we're not so sure


Red Bull Hardline is nearly here, and to celebrate 10 years of the most bonkers downhill track in the sport someone’s ridden it on a motorbike. Watch as Red Bull athlete Jonny Walker manoeuvres his moto down a trail that’s designed for mountain bikes – meaning it’s way too tight for a 100kg motorbike.

Jackson Goldstone currently holds the course record, at a an incredible 2:20, but we’re seriously doubtful it can be beaten on a motorbike…

Red Bull Hardline is a unique event, conceived by Gee and Dan Atherton, the idea is to build and then race the toughest track in the world. In an age where downhill racing is perhaps more groomed than ever, Hardline sets out to be gnarlier and tougher.

It certainly looks much sketchier this year than it’s ever done, to the point where we’re questioning if Hardline has gone too far. The latest course extension for 2024 will see the riders start higher on the mountainside in the Dyfi Valley, and send them over a massive canyon gap across a ravine. We’ve already seen via social media Bernard Kerr testing out the gap, and boy did it look dangerous, before Atherton rider Jim Monro crashed on it. It is not for the faint of heart.

Nevertheless, it seems likely this behemoth of a feature will be in action come race day this weekend. Rumour has it the dig crew is working on changes to the lip that could see it become more mellow and less kicky, which can only be a good thing for the riders’ health. There’s also talk online that we could even see a net rigged up across the ravine, to prevent any crashes being worse than they need to be.