Flat pedals win medals, but clipless is champion for the climbs. The pedal debate will never be settled, despite engineers and product designers attempting to…

Propain has modernized its Hugene 140mm trail bike for 2021. The German gravity and trail bike brand has responded to customer input regarding geometry and…

Those of us who are permanently on the lookout for somewhere new to ride - chasing the dirty dragon with ever diminishing returns like it's…

With bike demand and usage having surged to record levels, the question of protecting your mountain bike asset with insurance is more real, than ever…

Lockdown has had a dramatic influence on bicycle theft. Statistics collated by Quotezone.co.uk, drawn from police sources, indicate a 10% reduction in bicycle theft across…

For the last few years, Swedish mountain biker Gustav Gullhom, has been delivering gorgeous custom builds. Expert craftsmanship and obsessive attention to detail have characterized…

Fezzari, has updated its hardtail mountain bike offering. Like many of the American cycling brands doing business from Utah, Fezzari does interesting things with carbon-fibre.…

It might be the most ironically named new mountain bike brand of 2021, but Less Brakes are promising to make your brakes work better. The…

YT has added a new grade to its mountain bike range. The German consumer-direct brand will be marketing a limited number of new Blaze models,…