Strathpuffer 24

Body: The world’s only winter 24 hour mtb race is seriously tough. It runs for 17 hours of total darkness through the Highlands, for heavens…

Work begins at Nevis range

Work is well underway at the new red-graded downhill track at Nevis Range, with three sections of the trail so far completed after just a…

Work begins at Glentress

Work has begun on a new multi-million pound visitor centre at Glentress’s Tweed Valley Forest Park.

Something for the weekend

The day before the weekend, most events are crammed to capacity, but we’ve managed to find you three that may sate your lust for riding.…

Killeen on Trek for London 2012

Britain’s own Liam Killeen, the reigning Commonwealth Games Champion, will ride for Trek Bicycles from 2009, ending the rider’s long-running relationship with Specialized. Trek has…

Something for the weekend

This has to be the last good weekend of the year, you don't want to waste it stuck inside! Get out and ride, here are…

Airbags — the future?

Forget Interbike, the International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition in Tokyo is where you'll find the real innovation this year

Your country needs you!

The Land Rover G4 Challenge is currently seeking a British team to compete at mountain biking, off-road driving, kayaking, abseiling, climbing and orienteering in Mongolia…

FSA gains tech partner

Surprising as it may sound, bike bits are no longer made by men in flat caps hammering out shapes from glowing lumps of steel. No,…

Downhill Jersey

Not something you can wear this time, but something you can ride – two days racing on the weekend of October 11 and 12 at…

Something for the weekend

Stuck for something to do this weekend? We’ve got three suggestions for you, whether you want to sit in front of a computer screen, go…

Suspending Disbelief

If anyone's been having trouble finding the extended version of the suspension interviews from our Summer issue, click here...


If you missed out on riding a downhill marathon event this year, like the Megaavalanche on Alpe d’Huez, never fear, there’s still one left -…

Forest of Dean fun

We bunked off en-masse on Friday to go riding in the forest of Dean — here's what went down. In order we have Andy Waterman…