
Jared Graves is recovering from surgery at the end of last week. The surgery was to remove a tumour in his brain (see our report from a couple of weeks ago).

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Posting on Instagram from a hospital bed in Queensland, Graves stated that he was kept awake throughout the surgery so that the surgeons could continually assess his responses and motor functions.

The majority of the tumour, which Graves has called ‘Terry the Tumour’ in typically dry Oz humour, has been removed in the surgical procedure. What’s remaining of the tumour will be treated by further medical treatment, likely to involve chemotherapy.

Jared Graves: “Post surgery MRI showed most of of the tumor if not all is gone, but follow up treatment is still needed in case anything microscopic is left behind that could grow back. Still a couple more days in hospital while pathology study the remnants of Terry the Tumor to see what he was all about so we know how best to treat it next.”

A crowdfunding page has been set up called Strength for Jared to help Graves in his recovery and future. Already more than 800 donors have raised over $55,000. Graves has stated that any remaining funds will be donated to cancer research.

Once again, all at mbr wish Jared Graves all the best with his recovery.
