Barel pilots his Forward Geometry Foxy through the roots on Sheepskull

Barel pilots his Forward Geometry Foxy through the roots on Sheepskull

It was our privilege recently to spend the day riding with the legendary Fabien Barel. The ex-World Champion was in the UK for the Mondraker Gravity Rally but still had time to join us for a day at the Forest of Dean. We won’t give too much away now, as the feature will be in an issue of MBR very soon, but here’s a teaser video produced by the guys from Eyes Down Films. Thanks to Mojo for its help with this feature.

MBR | Samurai of Singletrack | Fabien Barel, Forest of Dean from Eyesdown Films on Vimeo.


Samurai of Singletrack with Fabien Barel from Mountain Bike Rider on Vimeo.