Croatia rocks! And rolls!
If you were under the impression that the track in Losinj, Croatia was short and a bit well, lame. Check this POV. It’s way more than dull drystone walls!
Video description
Red Bull: “Very likely the best preview video of the World Cup track in Lošinj. RAW and graceful at the same time. Rider in the video is Jernej Cokan from team MTB Trbovlje. Video was shot and edited by Matevž Zupanc, MZ Pix. If you are a technical geek you will also like to take a closer look at the bike Jernej is riding down the track.”
Here’s what the pros think of the Croatian World Cup DH track
Here’s what current World Champions think of the brand new World Cup track in Croatia. “Bring body armour and lots of spare rims”.
>>> All you need to know about the 2018 World Cup DH season
Lošinj World Cup Track – First impressions
Team Specialized Gravity testing on the Island of Brutality??? World Champs talk about the new track on the World Cup circuit Finn Iles Miranda Miller Loic Bruni Croatia Full of life / Visit Kvarner / LOSINJ – ISLAND OF VITALITY / Losinj Hotels & Villas
Posted by Mercedes-Benz UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Lošinj on Monday, January 29, 2018
The new-for-the-World-Cup track on the Island of Lošinj in Croatia has come under some intense scrutiny. Basically it’s had a load of online flak for being really short and seemingly really smooth.
One of these criticisms is fair, one of them isn’t. Check out what the Specialized Gravity team of two reigning World Champs and a young superstar have to say about it in the video above.
Miranda Miller’s verdict
“I was very pleasantly surprised. It was extremely challenging all weekend. Like, the first couple of runs I did I was like, holy shit! It was just… really challenging. It’s tight, It’s rocky. It’s got a bit of everything to it. Yeah it’s shorter but I think the technical aspect of that makes up for the length. Bring lots of spare rims! And body armour. It’s gonna be a sweet race. It’s not like any of the other tracks.”
Loic Bruni’s verdict
“I’m a big fan of pre-judgements but it was actually pretty hard. We had a really good week of testing and we struggled a lot. The track is super technical. We have a lot of things to try, a lot of improvements to make and it’s not [your] usual World Cup track. I think it’s going to be really interesting. It’s hard. One of the hardest of the year definitely, even if it’s short. But thankfully it’s short but it’s super technical. But it won’t be that tight.”
Fin Iles’ verdict
“There’s a lot of rocks. Ikt’s pretty technical. It’s a lot harder than I was expecting because I’ve seen a lot of GoPro [videos of the course] and it looks pretty smooth but came here and… it’s two minutes but it’s physically really hard and it’s just like… a lot of rocks so you just have to use your mind and start to figure out the lines a lot more so you don’t, sort of, break yourself or bike!”