A special range of helmets featuring CAT scans of real-life brain injuries has been designed as part of Brain Awareness Week
When you think about it, most of who we are – personality, thoughts, motivations, memories – is all held in a soft bundle of tissue and nerves encased within our skulls, and while in many ways brains are amazing robust and adaptable, they are also delicate, sensitive and need protecting. This Brain Awareness Week, Endura has created a range of very graphic helmets that illustrate the effect crash injuries can have on the brain, using CAT scans from real patients.
Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to raise awareness of and support for brain science. For something that’s so integral to what makes us us, there’s still a lot we don’t know about them. From the impact of concussion to recovering from traumatic brain injury, recent research has helped developed better protocols and treatment but there’s still a long way to go.

The helmets feature scans, plus medical notes, from actual individuals
Endura is firmly of the opinion that prevention is better than cure, and so to highlight the impact injury can have on the brain it has created a series of helmets that feature the CAT scans of the brains of individuals that suffered serious, life-threatening bicycle accidents.
Titled ‘Project Heid‘ – from the Scots word for head – the range has been developed with Consultant Neurologists from Liverpool and in partnership with The Brain Charity.
A bike helmet is a must-have for mountain biking, whether it’s a trail shell, a convertable helmet or a downhill-certified full-face helmet.
It’s recommended that you change your cycling helmet every three years, since regular use and exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause it to degrade gradually over time. If you’ve had a hard hit, even if the helmet looks like it’s okay, always replace it – you don’t know whether the inside structure of the helmet is compromised.
Read the NHS advice on head injury, concussion, and when to seek help.
Read the CDC advice on mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion