Benjamin Haworth


“Those that make it on to the Programme will receive a substantially discounted Hope HB130 in the specification of their choice.” >>> Editor’s Choice 2019 – home of the best…


CushCore is one of the original tyre inserts. Those foam rubber looking things that protect your rim and tyre from pinch flats and dents.

mbr february 2020

Want the latest MBR delivered to your door every month? Check out our latest subscription offer, or try MBR’s digital editions on iPad, Android, Kindle and more… The latest issue of MBR is…

black friday mountain bike

Shortly before the turn of the year, Canyon became the target of a massive criminal cyber attack. The attack has been identified and stopped.

It’s very nearly 2020 so now is a good time to trawl through the stats to see what were the most popular mbr news stories of 2019.

giant swage

The Giant Swage grips are kind of like Ergon’s G-series lock-on grips but cost almost half as much. I also prefer them over Ergons anyway.

Every issue of MBR we have a section called Big Pictures, featuring the best bike photos to hit our inbox that month. These are the best of the bunch.

Renthal have put together a film to celebrate them being 50 years young, this year. MBR are happy to help celebrate this milestone!