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The latest issue of MBR is out now, packed full of inspiring ideas and route maps to help you find new places to get out and ride.
What about the magazine itself? Here’s a taste of what you’ll find inside…
Britain’s Best Singletrack: It may be hard to get to, it may be miles away from civilisation and it will leave you with wet feet, but the Doethie Valley is one of those special rides that you should all just get out and ride. Get our GPS route guide and download.
Hottest new enduro bikes — three completely fresh new rigs for 2015 get hammered down dale in our latest bike test. Includes the Giant Reign 27.5 1, Orange Alpine 160 RS and Vitus Sommet Pro.
Budget clipless pedals on test: get clipped-in for greater security and a more efficient power delivery. We’ve tested 12 pedals between £35 and £65.
The Long Ride Home – sick of staring out of the carraige window at hills and woods, we decide to swap trains for trails and pedal the journey home.
How to change the travel on your RockShox Solo Air fork: no need to buy a new fork, just follow our simple guide and save bundles.
Hone your skills anywhere: capitalise on your mundane commute by turning urban obstacles into skills opportunities.